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The province and the PC’s are in disagreement over the direction the provincial deficit is heading.  Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says it’s gone up from 10.5 to 10.9 Billion. But the government says it’s gone down from 12.5 Billion to 10.9.  Fedeli says the reason for the distinction is the government started their projection with a fake number. The Liberals say they will balance the books by 2018 and they’ll do it by finding savings in government programs, managing compensation costs and “maintaining” revenue.

But Fedeli says various analysts and credit rating agencies have expressed skepticism.

Fedeli adds the Auditor General has pointed out another problem that the budget is crowding out funding in areas like health care and education.  He says diabetes testing strips were cut, physiotherapy for seniors were reduced signifigantly and cataract surgeries have been impacted too. Finance Minister Charles Sousa says the governments deadline for the balancing of the books can be achieved.