A report in this week’s Globe and Mail says 44 % of the sexual assaults reported over the last 5 years were dismissed as unfounded by city police.

The information is contained in a wider report that says 20 per cent of reports sexual assaults across the country were dismissed as unfounded.

North Bay Police Chief Shawn Devine says he’s not disputing the numbers.

He says he’s aware of the issue and there are discussions locally with the Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre and the crown prosecutor to make some changes into how reports are dealt with, and when there is a report to not just include police in the investigation.

Devine says if there’s a better way he’s in favour of it.

Ironically, last year city police made a grant application for funding to do more research in the issue, but it was rejected.

They were looking for $150,000 over 2 years.

Deputy Chief Scott Tod says the research was going to look at three things: what they’ve done in the past, what the current policies are and develop a standard for investigating sexual violence.