sports-hall-logo1The 2014 inductees to the North Bay Sports Hall of Fame have been announced.

The builder category includes Heather Chambers in multiple sports and Tom Cook in nordic skiing.

The athlete inductions are Donal MacDonald in darts and Marcus Popp in pole vault while the honoured team is the Flying Fathers Hockey Team.

Meantime, the North Bay Sports Award winners have also been announced.

They include the North Bay Battalion for team of the year.

Madison Fraser and Bronwynn Sheppard are co-winners of the Female Athlete of the Year while Alex Bernardi is the Male Athlete of the Year.

They’ll all be honoured at the 35th annual North Bay Sports Hall of Fame Induction and Awards Dinner on May 2nd.

2014 Inductees
Heather Chambers, Builder Category, Multiple Sports
Tom Cook, Builder Category, Nordic Skiing
Donal MacDonald, Athlete Category, Darts
Marcus Popp, Athlete Category, Athletics – Pole Vault

Honoured Team
Flying Fathers Hockey Team

2014 North Bay Sports Award Winners
Leo Lavergne – Mike Mitchell/Larry Avery Memorial award for Football
North Bay Battalion – James Kelly Memorial Award for Team of the Year
Lorie Tremblay & Heather Windrem – Dedication to Soccer Award
Ken Hastie – Dominico Family Award for Softball/Baseball
Lisa Hotte – George Martyn Memorial Award for Basketball
Rod Vincent – Judge Harry J. Reynolds Memorial Award for Hockey
Danny Gosselin – Al Brennan Memorial Award for Coach of the Year
Scott & Ginette Kile – Jim Aspin Award for Executive of the Year
Madison Fraser & Bronwynn Sheppard – Mort Fellman Memorial Award for Female Athlete of the Year
Alex Bernardi – Britt Jessup Memorial Award for Male Athlete of the Year
Jaimee Bull, Davis Evans & Zaffia Laplante – Jack Burrows Memorial Award for Sports Achievement
Vic McClenaghan – Peter Palangio Award for Longtime Contribution to Sport
Don Brown – Peter Handley Friend of Sport Award