Six local high school students are being honoured by the North Bay Rotary Club for their outstanding charity work.

Adam Strang from West Ferris Secondary School, Victoria Zhou from Chippewa, Julianna Head from St. Joseph’s Scollard Hall, Ellen Perry from Ecole Secondaire Odysée, Hayden Wice from Widdifield Secondary School and Ecole Secondaire Algonquin student, Amber St. Jean all took home the award.

St. Jean says her charity work started with the obligated 40 hours of volunteering she needs to do to graduate school.

“It makes me feel very grateful, the things I’m doing are being recognized and helping the community is actually making a difference. It makes me feel good about myself to keep on going and doing more.”

“These students have exemplified what it means to be a leader in our community,” says Rotary Club of North Bay president Natalie MacDougall. “Each student gives back to our community in a different way, but it is through these contributions we will see out community grow.”