Sports_Survey_621_SpotlightThe North Bay Sports Hall of Fame has named their inductees and award winners for this years dinner.

It will be held on May 7th at the Best Western.

There are five new inductees including Bill Barber, Tom Moore, Frank Sprongl, Denyse Lafleur Vendetti and Terry Vendetti.

There are several sports award winners as well and the list is as follows:

Jack Burrows Memorial Award for Sports Achievement – Dominique Bouchard

Dedication to Soccer (North Bay Youth Soccer) – Paul Cook

James Kelly Memorial Award for Team of the Year – U19 Spartans Women’s Basketball Team

Dominico Family Award for Contribution to Softball/Baseball – Chris Winrow

George Martyn Memorial Trophy for Basketball – Chantal Piche Rota

Judge Harry J Reynolds Memorial Trophy for Hockey – Ken Appleby & Danika Ranger

All Brennan Memorial Trophy for Coach of the Year – Terry Jackson

Jim Aspin Memorial Award for Executive of the Year – Merv Shantz

Mort Fellman Memorial Award for Female Athlete of the Year –Maria Dominico & Vanessa Gagnon

Britt Jessup Memorial Award for Male Athlete of the Year – Riley Gravelle & Braeden Villeneuve

Pete Palangio Award for Contribution to Sport – Shannon Johnson & Rob Saunders

Pete Handley Friend of Sport – Rheal Boulanger

Mike Mitchell-Larry Avery Memorial Award for Football – Brad Kerr

John Toswell Memorial Award for Curling (new award) – Mark Brown

North Bay Special Olympics Award of Excellence (new award) – Carley Tucker