North Bay Firefighters from Fire Station One acted quickly to help a mother deliver a baby last Friday night.

That night’s acting captain, Todd Gleason says the got the call near midnight and were the only team able to respond quickly enough to the call.

He says it happened up on Airport Hill and with an ambulance being cleaned from another call and another fire house responding elsewhere, they had to jump into action.

“We responded as a pump-crew. When we got there the mother was on the floor in labor in a large amount of pain. The ambulance was delayed by 15 minutes from Sturgeon Falls.”

One of the crew members, Robin Cullen sprung into action and assessed the situation, seeing the bay was crowning and was almost there.

“It was within 5 minutes of being there, we started timing contractions and we only got to two,” said Gleason.

Mother Becky Orton says she’s thankful for their quick response.

“Even with the cord wrapped around the baby’s neck, you wouldn’t have known there were any complications they worked so well.”

Both mother and daughter, Brianna are back at home and healthy.

Gleason says it was the first time firefighters delivered a baby in the city without paramedics being present.