MPP Vic Fedeli is questioning the province over the 30 to 40 job cuts announced last week at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

The issue came up at the Legislature today (Monday).

“The hospital CEO says that with these latest cuts, he’s starting to be very worried about patient care. My question to the Premier is this, do you care enough about the patients in North Bay to do something?” he asked.

Fedeli told Queen’s Park that with aging seniors, more incidents of chronic disease in the north and increased hydro bills, “the hospital didn’t quite balance their budget. That makes them ineligible for $7 million in Working Capital Relief. They’re in a no-win, downward spiral.”

He asked the Premier if she will re-admit North Bay Regional Health Centre into the relief program.

Health Minister Eric Hoskins says they’re working with the hospital and the LHIN.

“We have received a request from the hospital. We’re working closely with them and the LHIN in strong collaboration and partnership,” he says.

Hoskins also says they’re doing things differently than the previous PC government did when the hospital faced a $6.5-million deficit in 2001.

“At the time, Mike Harris said, quote, North Bay and Sturgeon Falls and Mattawa that have deficits are not going to be able to be funded in future years, Mr Speaker, making it clear that the PC Government would not work with hospitals to maintain services,” he added.