May 8th to 12th is Mining Week and there are several events planned in North Bay to mark to the occasion.

The highlight will be Spark The Fire: Realizing the Potential of Ontario’s North.

Committee member Scott Clark says the event on the 12th will include several speakers including former Premier Bob Rae: who has been a negotiator for First Nations in their discussions with Ontario about the proposed mining project The Ring of Fire.

There will also be presentations from government, business and First Nations.

Clark says it’s a major opportunity for those with an interest in mining.

There will  also be a mining appreciation evening and a speech by the president by the president of the Canadian Institute of Mining.

There’s even going to be a beer launched to mark mining week at Cecil’s Brewhouse and Kitchen.

Owner John Lechlitner says it’s called Gold Rush Blonde.

He says the beer fits well with the european background of the mining settlers of the past in Northern Ontario.

He says they’ll also have a few special items on their menu during mining week.

Filed under: bob-rae, canadian-institute-of-mining, cecils-brewhouse-and-kitchen, mining-week, spark-the-fire