TravellinkThe new transportation service between North Bay and Mattawa has been up and running for a few weeks.

Nipissing Travellink is being operated by Belanger Brownway Bus Lines out of Mattawa.

Office manager Shirley Belanger says bookings have been slow right now, but they’ve only been accepting pre-booked reservations for a few weeks and they are getting a lot of inquiries.

Belanger says people must pre-book for the service which will leave Mattawa at 7 am and stop in Papineau-Cameron, Calvin Township, Rutherglen, Bonfield, East Ferris, Astorville and then conclude the trip in North Bay at the transit terminal at 8:30 am.

The buses leave North Bay at 5 pm and return to Mattawa around 6:30 pm.

Belanger says for more information go to their web site at or check out their Facebook page.