A new group has been formed to look at revitalization in the city’s downtown.

The new Invest North Bay Committee is made up of professionals and entrepreneurs.

Board Chair George Burton says the committee will primarily take a business approach to the issue and report back to Invest North Bay.

“See how we can assist in developing those areas, within our mandate, so that we fulfill our mission which is to grow the city, and by grow the city, I mean bring jobs to the city and make our community a vibrant place to live,” he says.

Overall, Burton says the downtown is a gem.

“Given our location to the downtown, the proximity to the waterfront, the people-space that we’ve created, we do see a bright future for it, but again it takes an ongoing effort,” he says.

According to a mandate letter between Invest North Bay and Downtown Inc., the committee is responsible for:
– Providing strategic leadership on the renewal and revitalization activities of Invest North Bay Development Corporation relating to improving the broader downtown core;
– Creating an annual list of strategic priorities and actions encompassing a multi-stakeholder approach to downtown and waterfront development;
– Identifying key metrics associated with achieving the approved goals of Downtown Inc. to ensure progress;
– Serving Invest North Bay Development Corporation as the unified voice of the stakeholders of the downtown with regards to the development of strategic plans and the activities supporting these plans;
– Providing bi-monthly reports, including budget requests, to Invest North Bay Development Corporation to measure progress against Invest North Bay Development Corporation-approved goals relating to downtown development; and
– Maintaining a focus on strategic level activities while gaining and providing insight to groups already in existence around operational issues.

Downtown Inc. committee members:
Katie Bevan, The FARM
Shawn Chorney, Canadore College (Co-chair)
Holly Cunningham, Near North Media Lab
John Demeis, Descon Group
Timothy Hutchison, Hutchison Insurance
Rob Jamieson, Century 21 Blue Sky Region Realty Inc.
Nathan Jensen, Mitchell Jensen Architects
Jake Lacourse, Kennedy Insurance
John Lechlitner, Cecil’s Brewhouse and Kitchen
Brad Minogue, Coldwell Banker Peter Minogue Real Estate Brokerage
Geoff Richardson, Downtown Improvement Area
Sohail Rouhani, RE/MAX Legend Real Estate Inc. (Co-chair)
Daryl Vaillancourt, Invest North Bay Development Corporation