IMG_20160204_132915CUPE members at Cassellholme have joinned a provincial campaign.

It’s called Make It Blue for Time To Care. 

The president of the North Bay and District CUPE Council is Henri Giroux.

He says on the 4th of every month the workers will wear something blue.

Giroux  says they’re doing it on the 4th to signify a desire for a 4 hour daily standard per resident at long term care homes.

Giroux says this campaign started last year around the province and is already happening regionally.

He says this started last year and it took place for the first time at Cassellholme on Thursday.

He says the workers want to spend more time with residents and work on their needs but they simply don’t have the time.

Giroux  says there should used to be a daily standard but that was dropped by the Harris government and it hasn’t been reinstated.