the MaamsThe Maam family arrived with 4 children ranging from age 11-16, along with their mother and father.

While a few kids went to play in the snow, we asked the father Husein Maam , how it felt to arrive in North Bay.

Mohamad Yasser helped translate for the family.

Syrians Arrival 1


Husein says having the first family around will help them settle in to the community.

Don McLean is with the Refugee Committee and he says having the first family in North Bay for over 2 months is a benefit to the Maams.

Don says the biggest challenge they found working with the Jabbers, was the language barrier.

Greeting Syrian Family


Whenever the family went to the doctor or the school, they needed an interpreter.

He says English as a second language courses at Widdifield and Chippewa Secondary School were a factor in finding the new family a home.

The Maams will be living at temporary residence for now, but will be moving to their new home on O’Brien sometime later this month.