Fired RPN(Left to right) OPSEU Executive Board Member Mike BisaillonPresident of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions Michael Hurley and Northeast VP of  Ontario Council of Hospital Unions Sharon Richer held a media event in North Bay today (Wednesday) to discuss the hospitals decision to fire a RPN.

They say they are advocating to get her job back, as well as putting steps in place to lobby the government for more funding for hospitals across the province.


It is a growing problem in Ontario’s hospitals and there’s a discussion that needs to be had says Hurley.

He says nurses being attacked by patients needs to come to an end.

Hurley says because a Register Practical Nurse spoke out about these conditions at the North Bay Regional Health Centre she was fired.

Northeast VP of Ontario Council of Hospital Unions Sharon Richer says this is not acceptable and they are asking the Hospitals CEO to reinstate her immediately.

She says the hospital is sending a clear message to the staff.

Richer says the Union is working with the employee to get her job back and they are encouraging more people to come forward to shed light on the problem.