Photo by: Sgt Serge Gouin, Rideau Hall © Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada represented by the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, 2010
Photo by: Sgt Serge Gouin, Rideau Hall
© Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada represented by the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, 2010

Several events are lined up for Governor General David Johnston and his wife Sharon Johnston today in North Bay, culminating with the city hosting a dinner.

Tickets for that event are available at Cecil’s.

The visit starts this morning at 22 Wing with the Governor General touring the NORAD operations while Mrs Johnston will visit the Military Family Resource Centre.

The Governor General will also take part in a panel discussion on Aboriginal reconciliation and education at Nipissing University and meet with regional mayors and First Nations Chiefs this afternoon.

Both their excellencies visit Heritage French Public School while Mrs. Johnston is also visiting the North Bay Regional Health Centre, One Kids Place and the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre.