Brussels airport
(Photo courtesy of Google Maps)

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel says “we were hit by blind attacks,’‘ adding there are ``many dead, many injured.”

This after explosions at the airport in Brussels and at a metro station in the city. The country’s federal prosecutor is calling all three explosions “terrorist attacks,” with a suicide bomber to blame for at least one.

Global Affairs Canada says it has no reports of any Canadian citizens being affected by today’s explosions.

Wendy Deyell is a Canadian who has lived in Brussels for the past 18 years.

She also says she fears this may drastically change things at airports.

Thanks to our Calgary station 660 News for the audio.

On Twitter, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the attacks in Brussels this morning.

Trudeau Brussels tweet

Brussels is in lockdown after the explosions.

Belgian media say 34 people were killed in the explosions, with over 170 others injured.

Belgium has raised its terror alert to its highest level, diverting arriving planes and trains and ordering people to stay put.

Airports across Europe have tightened security.

(With files from The Canadian Press)