The Near North District School Board now says they will not be making a decision on the fate of three city high schools on June 27th.

Following this week’s public meeting and a committee of the whole meeting last night (Tuesday), Trustees decided that more time is needed for discussion before reaching a final decision.

The three schools include Chippewa, West Ferris and Widdifield Secondary Schools.

The ARC recommends keeping West Ferris and Widdifield Secondary Schools open, while closing Chippewa.

Staff recommend consultation and analysis to decide which school in the north end of the city, Widdifield or Chippewa, would stay open.

The original recommendation included closing both Widdifield and West Ferris and creating a super school on the Chippewa site.

A timeline for a decision has not been established yet.

Meantime, the board will be voting on the elementary portion of the accommodations review on June 27th.

It’s being recommended that E.T. Carmichael, E.W. Norman and W.J. Fricker Public Schools be consolidated into one new build on the Fricker site.