Council is voting unanimously to lobby Queen’s Park for more incentives to live in Northern Ontario.
The motion was brought forward by Councilor, Mark King. He says businesses or people who choose to move here should be compensated by the government of Ontario for doing so. He says some kind of tax exemptions or relocation incentives should be provided. However, King didn’t exactly paint North Bay in the brightest light.
Councilor Tanya Vrebosch chose to see the motion in a more positive way, saying we can’t be all doom and gloom. We have to encourage people and show them why it’s beneficial to live in Northern Ontario.
She says hopefully the $1 million dollar invesment with Invest North Bay will help bring more citizens and businesses to the area.
The original motion comes from Sault St. Marie. King says they don’t have to deal with some of the major problems they are currently wrestling with but it may not be far away for North Bay.