Labour Market GroupIn its monthly report, the Labour Market Group has presented a long range view of job vacancies in the region.

Executive Director Stacie Fiddler says there’s a lot of information on job vacancies including the number of vacancies from July to December last year, the average hourly salary of those vacancies and the industries they were in.

She says there were 463 job vacancies in August and that was the highest month in the survey. The lowest was December at 325. Meantime, Fiddler says there were 377 vacancies in January and that represents a 16 per cent increase from December.

She says their information doesn’t represent all jobs that are available in the district but just those that are advertised on social media sites.

Fiddler says there’s also information on what skills employers are looking for in the individual vacancies that are posted.

She says the top three in Nipissing are communication, computer use and critical thinking.