North Bay’s Deputy Mayor knows that drivers and pedestrians have a role to play in reducing the chance of collision, but Sheldon Forgette also wants to see if there’s anything the city can do.

This after a crash at the intersection of McIntyre St East and John St this week and last year’s fatal pedestrian collision on Algonquin (pictured above), right outside his business.

Forgette says there could be a variety of initiatives that could be done, everything from red light cameras to jaywalking enforcement.

He says it’s not just about handing out tickets, it’s about raising awareness too.

“It’s not okay to jaywalk on busy roads, it’s not okay to run red lights and some of the things that other cities are doing too, is they’re incorporating more roundabouts, because people are forced to pay more attention at roundabouts,” he says.

Another move could be setting up a radar gun and display of the speed that drivers are going.

“It doesn’t give you at ticket. But, it tells you…. whoa, whoa, whoa… you’re going over the speed limit,” he says, “I want to basically have a public conversation with our staff, with the public to see if there’s anything we can do to make our roads safer.”

Forgette has sent invitations to the mayor and chair of Engineering and Works to get the conversation started.

Filed under: deputy-mayor-sheldon-forgette, road-safety