Halfway through the year the city is in a nearly $300,000 deficit position.

Budget Chief Sheldon Forgette says they got an $800,000 surprise in the form of a surcharge from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

He says there’s new Post Traumatic Stress Disorder legislation which affects people being paid while their off.

Forgette says PTSD is becoming a bigger issue in the workplace.

Other than the surcharge, he says they are projected to be on target.

Forgette says the city is going to have to slow down on some spending to end the year as close to their target as possible.

Several departments are reporting a surplus including Engineering, Environmental Services and Works, the fire department and Agencies, Boards and Commissions.

On the deficit side are General Government and Community Services.

Forgette says chances are the city will pull from reserves to pay for the surcharge.

Meantime, he says North Bay has an “aa2” credit rating and that means the city is in good shape.

Filed under: city-of-north-bay, deficit-projection