A busy day for Ministry of Natural Resources and Foresty Stewardship Youth Rangers (SYR) at the Second Avenue starter tree nursery in North Bay this morning (Monday).

The summer program has the Youth Rangers undertaking several tasks over 8 weeks.

The starter tree nursery is run by the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority and Trees for Nipissing.

Trees for Nipissing chair Peggy Walsh Craig says their work is certainly welcomed, pointing to the impact the weather has had on the nursery.

“This year it’s especially overgrown because of all the rain. Weeds love rain and cool temperatures,” she says.

Walsh Craig says the trees will spend 3 to 4 years in the starter nursery, then some will be moved to the Hammond Street nursery for another few years to grow even bigger.

After that they’ll be planted around the community.

Team Lead for the Youth Rangers Audrey Steele is from Sault Ste Marie and is a student at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver.

She says the Youth Rangers are gaining valuable experience in the field.

“It helps them figure out, maybe, what kind of career they want to do later on. It helps them figure out if this the type of summer job that they wish to continue, maybe within the Ministry or within the community with some of the partners they’ve worked with,” Steele adds.

Some of the different tasks the Youth Rangers have undertaken this summer include bird banding, plantation assessment, ramp restoration and they’ll be doing some dam maintenance too.

There are 45 SYR teams located in 36 communities around the province.

Each team supports the core MNRF work of fostering, protecting and sustaining healthy ecosystems.

Rangers also have the opportunity to obtain two high school co-op credits during the summer.

Filed under: mnrf-stewardship-youth-rangers, north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority, trees-for-nipissing