One Kids Place has launched a Pinwheel pin-up campaign. Executive Director Denis Filiatrault says the idea is to increase public awareness about One Kids Place and what it does.

“We really want to increase that awareness so that our community knows what One Kids Place is all about. So they can support children and youth that have challenges and they can come to us as well.”

He says the pinwheels will be available at 85 businesses and organizations.

“Get out there, go to those business, purchase a pinwheel and show it with pride.”

Filiatrault says the funds raised support some of their programs including their summer camps.

The pinwheel will be on fire department and paramedic vehicles and there will also be a video at Memorial Gardens events.

The campaign will be on going until October 22nd.

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Filed under: one-kids-place-childrens-treatment-centre, pinwheel