It’s Fire Prevention Week, through October 14th, with local fire crews out and about in the community raising awareness.

The theme this year is “Every Second Counts, Plan 2 Ways Out”.

Fire Prevention Captain Randy Vezina says everyone should practice two ways out of the home in the event of a fire.

“Get a flashlight, do an escape at night-time hours, do one during the daytime hours involving everyone in the household, allow yourself that kind of memory, in the event that a real fire occurs,” he says.

On top of having two ways out, Vezina says set up a pre-determined meeting place outside.

“If Mom ends up in the backyard and Dad ends up in the front yard, you don’t want Mom going back into the burning building looking for Dad. Everyone goes to the pre-determined meeting place and stays there,” he says.

Vezina also says smoke alarms save lives, pointing out flashover can happen in about 2 1/2 minutes.

“That’s where every ignitable surface in the room spontaneously ignites and with a properly placed smoke alarms at every level of the home, near the bedrooms, you’re going to get a very early warning, way before flash-over occurs,” he says.

On Monday, October 9th fire crews were at the Battalion game handing out fire hats and fire information to fans.

On Wednesday, October 11th there was a “Fill a Fire Truck with Food” food drive for the North Bay Food Bank at Parker’s Your Independent Grocer (pictured).

1275 pounds of food was collected along with $1390 in monetary donations!

An open house was held on Thursday, October 12th at all three fire stations.

Fire drills are also scheduled all month at local schools.


Filed under: every-second-counts-plan-2-ways-out, fire-prevention-week, north-bay-fire-and-emergency-services