Council is getting ready to tackle the 2018 Capital Budget.

A series of meetings have been lined up over the next three weeks, starting tonight (Thursday).

There’s $19.5-million in capital projects on the list with another $11.5-million in water and sewer capital projects.

The list does not include the West Ferris Arena replacement or the Cassellholme rehabilitation.

City Councillor Mac Bain says council will weigh their options with all of the projects.

“We’ll sit down weigh the wants and the needs and make a wise decision and find a way to fund as many of the capital projects if not all of them with debentures and borrowing,” he says.

Bain also says it’s time Casselholme is redeveloped.

‘Cassellhome has a great reputation of caring for it’s residents. But, the fact is it’s an older building and it needs to be addressed,” he says.

Some of the larger projects that are on the preliminary 2018 list include $3.4-million in work on Cassells Street from Olive to Duke, plus another $3.5-million in ongoing asphalt replacement around the city.


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