schoolOverall, Ontario’s publicly funded Universities are seeing nearly the same amount of secondary student applications compared to last year at this time, but the figure is down at Nipissing.

Preliminary data from the Ontario Universities Application Centre shows 560 first choice applications for the 2016 academic year at Nipissing.

That’s a drop of 107, or 16 percent.

Nipissing’s Communications Officer Bob Pipe says there are a number of reasons as to why the numbers are where they are.

Pipe says the two biggest factors which contribute to their applications are demographics and a shift away from interest in programs such as education and liberal arts.

He says those have typically been two big drawing cards for Nipissing University.

Meantime, provincially, almost 88,000 secondary school students filed more than 404,700 applications for spots at Ontario’s 20 publicly funded universities for the 2016 academic year. That’s down just 0.1 per cent over last year’s levels.