Fedeli India PM(Photo submitted) Vic Fedeli has been travelling to start 2016.

The MPP for Nipissing arrived back in Canada on Friday after spending the start of the year in India.

He was there as part of a Progressive Conservative MPP delegation.

He says they met with top politicians including the Prime Minister and many key business leaders.

Fedeli says they talked about mining and forestry opportunities.

He says India imports wood and there are mining and forestry companies in Nipissing and so he has some good leads to follow up on now that he’s home. 

Fedeli says they made great contacts on mining with the country’s trade commissioner.  

Meantime, he also promoted Canadore College as a top educational institution, as it now has some students from India. 

Another topic that came up was film production, as Fedeli says he spoke at length about filming in North Bay as 12 movies have been shot here in recent years.  

Overall, he says this trip was about generating economic opportunities for Ontario.

Fedeli also points out this was not a trade mission and they did not receive any government funding to go.

In fact, he says all the expenses came out out of each politicians pocket.