“I’m simply overwhelmed with all the love and support and kindness and generosity.”

Those words from Nikiyah Mulak-Dunn when asked about the outpouring of support her family has received since identifying her husband, Benjamin Dunn, as one of three people killed in the multi-vehicle pileup on the 400 south of Barrie this week.

“I don’t feel so alone in this anymore, our children and I feel so cared for and loved!” she adds.

Mulak-Dunn says Benjamin was a selfless and hardworking man who loved his family more than anything else.

She says her husband, who was the family’s sole breadwinner, had been working as a trucker for at least a decade and drove the same route regularly.

He also juggled two other jobs as a miner and a welder.

Organizers of the Operation North Bay Help Your Neighbours page on Facebook are garnering support for the Dunn family.

Tracy Farquhar says they’re looking to help out the family.

“We just thought it would be nice to arrange some help, arrange some meals to help them get through Christmas, to free up some time for the mom, so she can focus on her children,” she says.

Farguhar says there has been quite the outpouring of support.

“I think a lot of people want to do something to help and they just don’t know what to do and how to go about it, so I find this is a good way to offer some help,” she says.

People are offering everything from meals to deliveries, Christmas gifts, baking and more.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Some Go Fund Me pages have also been set up by separate groups.

(With files from The Canadian Press)
Photos courtesy Nikiyah Mulak-Dunn