District of Nipissing Social Services Admin BoardOn February 25th and 26th there will be a homeless count in North Bay.

Kayt Elliot is the chair of the PIT Count Steering Committee.

PIT stands for Point In Time.

And she says they want to get an accurate gauge of the homeless situation in North Bay and it is just not about finding out a number but it’s also about finding out what services the homeless need.

She says the results from the PIT count will be released publicly and the North Bay effort is part of a coordinated campaign across the country to measure homelessness.

Elliot says community organizations are involved and atleast 50 people in teams of 2 will be taking part in the count.

The local survey spearheaded by the AIDS Committee of North Bay area will have involvement from many community organizations with Low Income People Involvement, the D-SAAB and the Nipissing District Homelessness and Housing Partnership all involved.