Hands The Family Help Network expects construction on their new facility on Oak Street in North Bay to be complete by the beginning of March 2018.

That’s the word from Executive Director Jeffrey Hawkins, who says they’re looking forward to moving in to the new 18,000 square foot North East Ontario Help and Treatment Centre.

He says it’ll be a difference of day and night in terms of what they can provide the community.

“It will double treatment spaces and space for staff, it’s our clinical services site for all our outpatient services, groups, clinical assessments and specialization resources,” he says.

Hawkins points out the hope was to be in by the end of this year.

“It’s taking a bit longer than we expected, but for very legitimate and understandable reasons, in terms of receiving materials and site clearance and so forth,” he says “But, overall it’s fantastic, it looks terrific.”

Hawkins says it has taken over a decade to see the project come to fruition.

“This has been, for myself personally, a long journey since 2005, so I’m really thrilled,” he adds.

The total cost of the project, including construction, the cost of the land and site development, is over $10-million.

Filed under: Hands The Family Help Network, north-east-ontario-help-and-treatment-centre