North Bay PoliceNorth Bay Police advising of a scam going on in the community. 

Corporate Communications Coordinator Marie Lugli says they have received several complaints about a male claiming to be from VISA is telling them that their cards have been compromised and that he wants personal information.

She says several of the callers say they don’t have a VISA card another indication it is a scam.

Lugli says there have been no victims but it appears to be someone who is looking up names in the phone book and calling people.

 She says if you get a call like this your best advice is to hang up and call the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre at 705-495-8501 to report it.

Lugli says never share your pin number and never provide information on unsolicited phone calls.

Other tips don’t put your PIN password or Social Insurance Number in  your wallet and don’t lend your credit cards to anyone.