The FIRST Robotics season is officially underway.

Teams, including local Team 1305, received their “Kickoff Kits” and were told the rules for the competition.

This year’s event is inspired by medieval times, where teams must defeat their opponent’s stronghold to win.

Jessica Kelso is the Business Manager for Team 1305, and she says all teams, including Local Team 1305, have 6 weeks to build their robot before the event gets underway.

She says there will be matches in Windsor, Oshawa and North Bay.

The FIRST Robotics competition locally, will be held in North Bay will be during Easter weekend, and will be free for the public.

Meantime, Kelso says they are still accepting students to join Team 1305.

She says even if you don’t know much about robotics, all they ask for is enthusiasm.

And if robots aren’t your thing, they still need people to write essays and make presentations.

For more information, you can check out their Facebook page or