StillHereThere are 1600 people in the North Bay District who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and a new study shows many Canadians think life is over when someone is diagnosed with the disease.

But the Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin North Bay and Districts is out to disprove that.

Ashleigh Milne is a Community Health Promoter and she says they have started a new campaign to change those thoughts with #StillHere.

The goal of the campaign is to spread awareness that people can still live fulfilling lives while coping with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

She says they want to spread the awareness to show people living with dementia can continue to participate in life and contribute to their communities – in their own way.

Milne says people need to realize dementia doesn’t rob someone of their individuality or abilities.

She says while someone’s lifestyle may have to be adjusted, there are ways to not let it dictate someone’s life.