Canada Post


In the event of a postal strike or a lockout the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board has put a plan in place.

In a release, DNSAAB says July’s monthly assistance cheques have been mailed, but that will be it until the dispute is settled.

They say people currently receiving cheques by mail should sign up for direct deposit so the money goes directly into a bank account.

If recipients aren’t able to do that, they will be required to go to the Ontario Works location to pick up the cheque and photo id is required.


Meantime, some businesses are encouraging customers to pay their bills online, over the phone, or at their local bank.

Some large companies that have been telling customers not to expect bills in the mail in the event of a labour disruption.

Unionized workers at Canada Post are in a legal strike or lockout position as of Saturday if a contract agreement isn’t reached with the Crown corporation.

That means the last day for mail delivery could be today (Thursday), because of tomorrow’s Canada Day holiday.

(With files from The Canadian Press)