There is an alarming number of people in the Nipissing District without a doctor.

So says the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board chair Mark King.

He says that number is 30 per cent and most of the people are vulnerable and in need of mental health supports.

King says they need at least $2.5-million in funding to ensure the services are provided and to that end he’s held meetings this week with the Minister of Health at the Rural Ontario Municipal Conference in Toronto.

“He’s very knowledgeable about the situation and there’ll be ongoing discussions that’ll take place between the deputy minister and DSSAB,” King says.

He also met with Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli so he can work with the government on finding solutions.

King says the North Bay Police numbers indicate 60 % of the calls are mental health related and solutions must be found through increased provincial funding so these vulnerable people can be helped.

“And into some sort of support system where they are at least receiving help and that’ll be better for everyone,” King added.

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Filed under: dssab, mark-king, minister-of-health, mpp-vic-fedeli