City Hall  genericYou will be paying a bit more on your tax bill in 2016 if the budget committee’s recommendation is adopted in 3 weeks.

An increase of 1.5 per cent was approved Monday night.

Budget Chief Sheldon Forgette says there is an increase but it is among the smallest in recent years.

He says service levels are being maintained, capital investment will continue and a super low tax levy as well.

It is a $118-million dollar budget.

The breakdown is $80-million is paid for by the tax base while the rest is from non tax levy revenue.

Several departments including Engineering and Works, Community Services and the Fire Department are showing increases while General Government is showing a decrease of 1.7 per cent.

Specifically, Engineering and Works is up by 7.4 per cent, the North Bay Fire Department by 1.66 per cent and Community Services has risen by 4.62 per cent.

Mayor Al McDonald says it is a growth budget with 39 Million being spent on Capital projects and at the same time is one of the lowest tax levy increases in quite a while.

The committee also approved the  2016 Water and Waste Water Capital Budget and 2016 Capital Budget.

The entire Council will have its say on the budget at the next meeting on January 11th.