Powassan Voodoos_210The Powassan Voodoos seemed like the winners during last night’s game against the Kirkland Lake Gold Miners, until the final part of the third period.

That’s when Brett Ouderkirk and Marc-Antoine Arseneau scored 2 goals to bring the Gold Miners their 3-2 victory. During the opening period, Alexi Rivet, a former Gold Miner, scored the opening goal at 8:06 for Powassan.

Then in the second, Battalion prospect Daniel Walker scored another goal for the voodoos.

Arseneau was then able to find the back of the net giving Kirkland Lake their first point of the game, which lead the team to their victory in the third.

The Voodoos now go on holiday break and will return on January 4th to take on the Rayside Balfour Canadians.