More details on Callander’s new library project have been released.

Callander Council recently approved the design of the 10,000 square foot facility.

Officials say on top of providing current services and programs, it will be a community hub too.

The fully accessible building be located on a portion of Landsdowne Street waterfront property and includes two multi-purpose meeting rooms, reading and lounge areas, designated spaces for teens and children’s programming along with a technology zone.

The final cost and funding sources still need to be determined.

“Council is extremely pleased with the design and looks forward to continuing to work with the Library Board to explore opportunities for funding and partnerships to move this project forward,” says Mayor Hec Lavigne.

“The Board is very excited that the new library design has been accepted by Council,” says Jo Sawyer, Chair, Callander Public Library Board. “Keeping the momentum going, and moving to the next phase of the project, brings our community closer to experiencing the many benefits of this innovative and welcoming community hub.”