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A startling statistic in a Maclean’s magazine analysis of Stats Canada data, which says North Bay has the fifth worst sexual assault rate in Canada.

City police say they don’t dispute the analysis.

They also say a closer look at the numbers shows 62 actual incidents of sexual assault last year.

25 people were charged.

Police Chief Shawn Devine says,“While we agree that this number is high, there is no number that is acceptable,” 

He goes on to say, “Sexual assault is a crime that we take seriously. This stat can be seen as a positive sign that survivors of sexual assault are coming forward, that they trust that we will take them seriously, that their reports of sexual assault will be thoroughly investigated, and that sexual offenders will be charged.”

Meantime, police point out that while overall crime in Canada is up from the previous year, overall crime in North Bay is down.

Officials say the North Bay Police Service is currently analyzing the national Crime Severity Index results and preparing a crime report of its findings for the Police Services Board.