Six Ontario communities, including North Bay, are receiving project funding awards to support activities aimed at reducing wildfire risks.

Communities can use their award from May through September to host Wildfire Community Preparedness Day events.

It’s all about raising awareness, helping protect homes, and encouraging neighbourhoods to build wildfire resiliency.

Through these events, communities will be encouraged to adopt “FireSmart” activities including proper maintenance and clearing of dead or combustible vegetation, wildfire-resilient landscaping, and using fire-resistant roofing materials.

A total of $47,000 was awarded to 94 successful community applicants across Canada for Wildfire Community Preparedness Day.

This annual, national program was launched by FireSmart Canada in collaboration with The Co-operators, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction and has since gained support from the Provinces/Territories of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland, and the Northwest Territories.

“Wildfire seasons are lasting longer and are more intense. It is critical that communities can live with and manage the realities of wildfires on our landscapes,” says Kelly Johnston, Executive Director of FireSmart Canada. “This is a shared responsibility, and through these community-led events, we can raise awareness and protect people and property by decreasing wildfire risk, particularly in wildland-urban interfaces where the built environment interacts with surrounding vegetation.”

Filed under: north-bay