Labour Council Health & Safety 2015 North Bay 047(Photo submitted)OPSEU Local 635 Activist Lyn Thompson is this year’s Workers Health and Safety Award winner.

She was honoured by the North Bay and District Labour Council earlier this week.

Officials say Thompson has supported her workplace and her members with a keen sense of health and safety activism and is very deserving of the award.

Labour Council President Henri Giroux says all workers are entitled to work in environments where risk to their health and safety are properly controlled.

He goes on to say, “Anything we can do to reduce deaths, injury and job-related illness is well worth doing.”

(Pictured left to right: Henri Giroux, NBDLC President; Eddie St. Marie, CLC Northern Ontario Rep; Lyn Thompson, OPSEU local 635; Dave Killham, Executive Director of the Workers Health and Safety Centre; Wayne Glibbery, Workers Health and Safety Centre Northern Ontario Rep.)