The Special Olympics provincial championship goes May 29th to 31st in Peterborough and 22 St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Bears will be there.

They’re joining a thousand athletes from across Canada and the U-S at the games.

“The Bears have attended the Provincial Championships since 2014, though this is the first championship that we will compete in unified basketball, unified floor hockey, and track and field,” says Jennifer Palangio, Special Education Curriculum Lead. “Unified sport teams consist of NDA students and Special Olympian students playing side by side,” she explains.

Nine coaches are also on the St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Special Olympic Team.

“The SJSH Special Olympian students have been training for this championship all year,” says Palangio. “The students have been working out in the weight room, developing their skills in team sports such as basketball, soccer, floor hockey, bocce, cross country running, track and field, and snowshoe races, and have been learning about sportsmanship and healthy eating. The Special Olympics program promotes a healthy lifestyle that the students will carry on into their adult life,” she adds.

To learn more about the Provincial Championships or to follow the games from home visit:


SJSH Track and Field team (pictured above): L-R (Back) Cindy Leusby (coach), Travis Turnsek, Jolie Gearing, Natalie Mogridge, Annette Szczygiel (coach) (Front) Ihure Atari, Kristen Labrecque
Missing: Coach Bryan McCutcheon


SJSH Unified Floor Hockey Team: L-R (Back) Coaches – Jennifer Palangio, Georgie MacIntyre (3rd Row) Malory Dominico, Mitchell Heyd, Dameion Southwind, Riley Young (2nd Row) Diandra Duquette, Jamie Villeneuve, Mackenzie Desroches, Jaye Harrington, Tristan Coyne (Front Row) Goalie – Jonathan Fader


SJSH Unified Basketball Team: L-R (Back) Coach Jim Jennings (Second Row) D’Ana Colautti (coach), Chase Bois-Grossiant, Logan Watt, Barb Cushing (coach) (Front Row) Darius Rizzuto, Jake Boutilier, Aidan Devine, Matthew Tignanelli

Filed under: special-olympics-provincial-championship, st-joseph-scollard-hall