A unique performance that brings the audience right into the scene is on stage at Widdifield this week.

The Gateway Theatre Guild’s production of “The Intruder” is a ‘theatre-in-the-round’ performance, with the stage in the centre of the audience.

“The cast will be moving very close to the audience, the audience will be right there within arms reach of the cast and the hope is that they’re going to get the same sense of mystery and suspense and drama that the cast is going to try and project,” says supporting actor David Carter.

The show, which is a dark, haunting story of death and fear of death, runs Wednesday night through Saturday.

“It’s a symbolist-type play, there’s a lot of subtext and intrigue and ‘what does he really mean, what’s going on’, every character in the play has their own journey,” he says.

Check out gatewaytheatreguild.ca for more.

Filed under: gateway-theatre-guild