The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority says about 30 people attended a public information session last week on a multi use trails proposal on the Laurentian Escarpment.

Manager of Communications Sue Buckle says the proposal includes three components.

They include:
– 20 kilometres of multi use trails
– A community bike park on Ski Club Road
– Five downhill bike trails adjacent to the Laurentian Ski Hill.

She says this proposal could be a great tourism opportunity.

“We know there are already people coming through the area from Southern Ontario and Sudbury to enjoy the beauty and ruggedness of some of the trails on the escarpment,” she says.

Buckle says they have issues to work out like dealing with environmentally sensitive areas and working with private landowners and national defense to get access to those properties as part of the trail network.

“Some of the things that need to be addressed are the density of the existing trails which are 30 kilometres. We need to condense that to 20 kilometres,” she add says.

They’re hopeful they’ll have an approved design by the end of the year.

Filed under: laurentian-escarpment-trails, north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority